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RAR Password Recovery Magic v6.1.1.295
13.07.2010, 18:37
RAR Password Recovery Magic v6.1.1.295

RAR Password Recovery Magic – удобная и мощная программа для восстановления паролей от RAR архивов, созданных программой WinRAR. При подборе пароля используется "brute-force" атака и атака по довольно внушительному лист-словарю. При длительной процедуре может работать на заднем плане, не мешая текущей работе.

RAR Password Recovery Magic is a powerful tool designed to recover lost or forgotten passwords for a RAR/WinRAR archives. RAR Password Recovery Magic supports the customizable brute-force and dictionary-based attacks.
RAR Password Recovery Magic has an easy to use interface. All you need to do to recover your password is just to add your file to the operation window.

Key Features
Recover passwords for RAR/WinRAR archives.
Custom character set for "brute-force" attack supported.
You can select character from a range of character options including: Letters, Numbers, symbol...
Large wordlist dictionary.
Work in the background.
Features a user-friendly interface.

How to Use
RAR Password Recovery Magic is very easy to use. To recover a password, all you need to do is just to add your file to the operation window.
Step 1: Click "Open" button to open rar archive.
Step 2: Click "Setting" button to set desired parameters.
A - The set of characters available in the password. (letters only, numbers only, symbol only, letters and numbers...)
B - Select the password length (range) in "BruteForce" panel.
Step 3: Press the "Start" button to start recovery.

Minimum System Requirements
Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/2003/vista
Intel or AMD or compatible processors at 1000 MHz minimum
RAM 128 megabytes (MB)
Minimum 700 MB of free hard disk space

Размер | Size: 1.94 Mb
ОС | OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
Официальный сайт | Home Page: www.password-recovery-magic.com
Интерфейс | Interface: English

RAR Password Recovery Magic v6.1.1.295 + Serial


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