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Easy Crypter 2010, v3.14
10.03.2010, 10:51
Easy Crypter 2010, v3.14

Easy Crypter 2010, v3.14

Easy Crypter 2010 - программа для шифрования отдельных файлов или групп файлов, а также для шифрования текста. В качестве криптографического алгоритма используется TripleDES. Easy Crypter 2010 обеспечивает надежную защиту данных от несанкционированного доступа. Используемый в программе криптографический алгоритм является устойчивым к любым возможным типам взлома.

Easy Crypter 2010 - Encryption file system ▬ Easy Crypter 2010 program provides encryption and decryption of the single or multiple files as well as string (text). It is using TripleDES as a cryptographic algorithm. This is a block encryption algorithm with a symmetric key, i.e. one key is used for both encryption and decryption of data.

Easy Crypter 2010 provides reliable data protection from unauthorized access. The encryption algorithm used in the program resists all possible types of break-in: despite decades of researchers’ efforts, effective attacks on it were not found. It can be used either by organizations to protect trade secrets, or by individuals to store personal information in secrecy.

Easy Crypter 2010 - is shareware. You can use an unregistered copy of the program, but it imposes some restrictions on its functionality.

Program Features

Easy Crypter 2010 - a safe and convenient program which allows you to encrypt / decrypt the single or multiple files as well as text, such as e-mail. It is used modern modification of the DES algorithm for encryption - one of the best cryptographic algorithms that approved as an official standard in many countries. Easy Crypter 2010 is easy to use and does not require any knowledge in the cryptography sphere. The program runs under Windows operating systems.

Main advantages:
reliable encryption algorithm - TripleDES;
high speed data processing;
simple and intuitive interface;
the ability of simultaneous encryption / decryption of multiple files;
a separate interface for working with the text.

System requirements: PC running Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7.
Язык: англ

Easy Crypter 2010 v3.14 (52.3Mb)


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