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Advanced PDF Password Remover v5.0
04.04.2010, 16:49
Advanced PDF Password Remover v5.0

Advanced PDF Password Remover - небольшой и удобный в работе инструмент, предназначенный для расшифровки защищенных PDF-файлов, на которых установлен пароль "владельца"/автора, препятствующий редактированию и любому измению документа. Декодирование производится быстро и легко. Расшифрованные файлы могут быть открыты в любом PDF-просмотрщике без каких-либо ограничений. Поддерживаются все версии Adobe Acrobat (включая 9.x, с 128-битовым шифрованием).

Key Features:
Decryption is being done instantly
Advanced PDF Password Remover helps you to copy, print and edit restricted PDF files by removing PDF restrictions in seconds.

Remove both owner password and user password
The standard security provided by PDF consists of two different methods and two different passwords. A PDF document may be protected by password for opening ('user' password) and the document may also specify operations that should be restricted even when the document is decrypted: printing; copying text and graphics out of the document; modifying the document; and adding or modifying text notes and AcroForm fields (using 'owner' password). Advanced PDF Password Remover not only removes owner password, but also removes user/open password. But please note that the user/open password is required if you need to remove user/open password from protected PDF file. After removing the PDF passwords, you can easily view, copy, print and edit PDF files without any restrictions.

Extremely easy to use

Drag & Drop the PDF file to Advanced PDF Password Remover main form, the restrictions will be removed in seconds. It is easy for you to copy, edit or print the PDF files after decryption.

Efficient Decryption Modes

Advanced PDF Password Remover allows you to decrypt either one PDF file or multiple PDF files at one time. You can import up to 200 PDF files for decryption at one time.

Support different versions

Advanced PDF Password Remover support PDF1.8 (Acrobat 9.x) files, including 40-bit RC4 decryption, 128-bit RC4 decryption, AES decryption, compressed files and unencrypted metadata

System Requirements
OS: Windows 2003/2008/XP/Vista/7
Minimum hardware requirements: Intel or AMD CPU 350MHz, 256 MB RAM

Оф.сайт / Site: http://www.advancedpdfconverter.com/products/pdfpasswordremover.html
ОС: Windows XP and Windows Vista/7
Язык / Language: Английский (English)
Размер / Size: 1.28 Mb



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