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Woodland Dreams Screensaver 4.11
12.10.2010, 21:32
Woodland Dreams Screensaver 4.11

Watch nature come to life!
Woodland Dreams Screensaver will captivate your imagination as it draws enchanting woodland scenes. Like nature itself, no two scenes are exactly alike. Watch each scene come to life with the flutter of birds and butterflies, falling leaves and gentle rain. Original music and sounds of nature are included.

Purchase Woodland Dreams Screensaver and receive the added feature of creating a unique scene with your personal choice of terrain, type and number of trees, sky, seasons and other elements.

Options for this screensaver include:
* Choose from 9 different scenes or select Random.
* Choose which scenes to rotate when running in random mode.
* Create, Name and Save up to 10 "Make Your Own" scenes.
* "Make Your Own" selections include:
* Choice of 5 different trees.
* Seasons Spring, Summer, & Fall
* Sky Colors
* Backgrounds
* Elements
* Flowers
* Adjust length of pause at the end of each drawing.
* Animated Birds, Butterflies, Hummingbirds, Rain and Falling Leaves
* Sounds
* Music
* Adjust Animation Speed
* Customer satisfaction Key Code registration.

Homepage: http://www.delfyn.com/woodland2000.html
Размер: 571 kb
Woodland Dreams Screensaver 4.11 + Serial


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