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Automatic Wallpaper Changer 4.7.50
28.02.2010, 01:12
Automatic Wallpaper Changer 4.7.50

Automatic Wallpaper Changer (AWC) - программа для обновление обоев для рабочего стола по расписанию. Изображение можно растянуть, подобрать его разрешение или отобразить в реальном размере. В последнем случае картинка размещается не только в центре экрана, как предусмотрено настройками Windows, а в любом из четырех углов дисплея или по центру одной из кромок.

Key Features
• Select files from multiple directories and their subdirectories if required
• Multiple resizing options: Full Screen, Best Fit and Worst Fit Examples
• When resizing you can pick the method that gives your pictures the best result (Catmull-Rom and Lanczos supported)
• Alpha blended fade effects for seamless merging of the wallpaper and background. Examples
• Put a decorative frame around the image Examples
• Multi-monitor systems can display the image properly resized on all monitors or display a different image on each monitor
• Put a background image onto the screen before displaying the wallpaper on top of it Examples
• Save you current preferences to a file as a theme to be reloaded later
• Enhance brightness, contrast and gamma correction independently from your monitor settings
• Change wallpaper at user defined intervals or once at startup
• The AWC screen saver shows your wallpapers in all their glory by removing the windows and icons
• Apply various graphic effects when displaying such as invert and emboss
• Use hotkeys to change the desktop on demand
• Automatically check your image directories to see if any new files have been downloaded and add them to the display list
• Ensure that each image in the list is displayed only once, even across Windows sessions
• Virtually unlimited number of images can be displayed
• Use EXIF orientation flag in photographs to automatically rotate images
• Display the file name on the image
• Filter the files to display by age, date and minimum size
• Multiple tiling options Examples
• Image formats supported are BMP, JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG, PCX, TGA, RLE.

4.7.50 - February 25, 2010
• Filter by image dimensions added
• Filter by orientation added (e.g. portrait only)
• Ampersands in file names now display correctly
• Window focus issues when using tray icon fixed
• Main window is no longer hidden by default when minimised in Windows 7 so it complies with interface standard. Option added to preferences so that this behaviour can be forced.
• Task bar icon handling now Windows 7 compliant
• In File View AWC no longer displays a file not found image when asked to display files that have been deleted from the disk but are still in the file list
• In file view corrected logic when deleting a file in multimonitor mode so that the next file in the list in displayed rather than the first one.
• You can now select Do not show me this message again option on some informational messages. Select Reset Hidden Prompt Message from View menu to turn them back on.
• Updated to FreeImage version 3.1.31 so that recent modifications to EXIF standard are supported
• JPG decoding enhanced for greater clarity
• You can cancel the filtering process by pressing key
• Fixed bug where dragging a shared folder from a remote computer did not add the folder to the list
• When deleting a file in folder mode AWC now selects a random file to replace it rather than always selecting the last file in the list
• Now accepts a theme (.SET) file as a command line argument. This means you can just drag and drop a theme onto your AWC shortcut or set up a simple file association.

OC: Windows All
Интерфейс: English
Home Page: awc.smurphy.co.uk
Size: 6.72mb

Automatic Wallpaper Changer 4.7.50 + Serial


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