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Adobe Flash Player v RC
07.04.2010, 02:34
Adobe Flash Player v RC

Плеер предназначен для отображения и проигрывания анимационных роликов, маленьких игр, презентаций и рекламы в формате SWF, используемых на большом количестве web-сайтов, в том числе и на нашем. В настоящее время для загрузки доступны модификации Flash Player 10 для операционных систем Microsoft Windows, Linux и Apple Mac OS.

# Installation:
* In some circumstances, Flash Player will not install on Windows Vista. (2563102)

# Networking:
* [FP-4053] Flash player crashes after network cable is unplugged. (2570447)

# Audio/Video:
* [FP-3923] Flash Player crashing with video sites such as YouTube and Vimeo on Transmeta CPU-based device (2558230)
* [FP-3912][Mac] Crash on visitprovence.com after music stops (2557133)
* [FP-3822] Flash Player crashes when returning from the SampleDataEvent.SAMPLE_DATA listener including the buffer writing and the call of SoundChannel.stop().(2551439)
* Some videos do not playback through hardware correctly on CBS.com. (2575332)
* Seeking on some Hulu videos produces artifacts on systems with ATI GPUs. (2543121)
* [FP-4141] Playing or stopping progressive audio playback in one browser tab can stop a FMS stream in another (2582132)
* Some videos on abc.com do not load. (2551592)
* Some YouTube videos display incorrect alignment of portions of a video frame (tearing) on the Mac when in full screen. (2556963)
* [FP-3199] On Mac OS 10.6, when viewing video on a secondary monitor, going to fullscreen causes it to jump to the primary monitor. (2501177)
* Flex 3 Video component doesn’t properly receive events from the Player. (2563564)
* [FP-3762] Broadcom CrystalHD Video Decoder bcm70010/bcm70012 is not engaged for H.264 hardware decoding. (2577562)
* [FP-4123] Video playback either freezes or screen becomes green on abc.com, audio seems to be still playing. (2582949)
* [FP-1844] Certain webcams cause Flash to crash. (2552925)

# Text/Text Input:
* Textfields uneditable when using Mac OS 10.5 with Chrome browser. (2586905)
* On Japanese systems, some fonts are incorrectly mapped to device fonts. (2582146)
* Inline graphics are improperly positioned in a TextLine if the parent movie clip is rotated or skewed. (2557265)

# General:
* General stability and performance improvements
* Improvements to performance involving object creation.
* Many issues involving video playback have been fixed in this release, and users may need to get updated video drivers ATI, NVidia, Broadcom, or Intel.
* Flash Player crashes on PPC when visiting netcombo.globo.com (2413326)
* On Max OS 10.6, the Flash Player may crash with some content when refreshing Safari 4. (2593045)
* Mac crashes on file upload. (2551342)
* Crash on Kongregate.com when game starts. (2513781)
* Crash during javascript animation with Flash content on Windows Mozilla browser. (2444251) [Bugzilla 487938]
* Crash from http://kingofads.doritos.co.uk/video/1699695476.
* registerClassAlias encountering null CodeContexts. (2536419)
* [FP-3631] Mouse hide does not function when wmode = transparent on Chrome Browser. (2530721)
* On Mac OS 10.6, when going to fullscreen from Safari, the mouse cursor doesn’t disappear as expected. (2559389)
* Full screen rendering fails on some PowerPC configurations. (2575377)
* [FP-3985] Removing and re-adding a Flash movie from the DOM using removeChild and appendChild causes display issues in Internet Explorer. (2562426)
* [FP-4006] For the Plugin player on Windows and Mac, portions of www.burton.com do not render. (2569188)
* [FP-3897] Full screen mode on secondary monitor incorrectly references to primary monitor for mouse interactions on the Mac OS. (2569371)
* RegisterClassAlias does not work in child applications in a separate ApplicationDomain. (2200730)
* On Mac OS, there is considerable latency in closing tabs with instance-heavy pages. (2579652)
* [FP-3732] javascriptFlashGateway.swf does not forward messages from javascript to Flash if it is not (2538746).

Операционная система: Windows All
Тип лицензии: Freeware
Язык интерфейса: Русский
Размер: 4.97 MB


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