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Alteros 3D v3.0.3000
15.07.2010, 10:44
Alteros 3D v3.0.3000

Alteros 3D - это универсальный просмотрщик файлов с настраиваемым интерфейсом. Программа позволяет просматривать любые 3D файлы (3DS, MAX, VRML, TrueSpace, LightWave и множество других форматов), а также 2D графические файлы (PSD, TIFF, PNG, JPEG, BMP, GIF и другие). Встроенный текстовый редактор позволяет просматривать и редактировать TXT и RTF файлы. Alteros 3D может также показывать HTML файлы и другие документы через OLE интерфейс (требует установленного Internet Explorer). Встроенный медиаплэйер позволяет просматривать DVD-видео диски, Видео файлы и проигрывать Аудио файлы. Интерфейс программы легко настраивается при помощи skins. Кроме того Alteros 3D имеет собственный формат десктоп файлов ADESK. При помощи ADESK файлов можно создавать графические интерфейсы с командами запуска программ, показа файлов и каталогов. ADESK файлы могут использоваться как startup интерфейс Alteros3D, а также как интерфейс пользовательских CDROM, если Alteros 3D используется в качестве Autorun оболочки для CD. Alteros 3D позволяет открывать любое количество документов одновременно. Для переключения между документами используется удобный менеджер документов, выполненный в стиле Windows Taskbar.

- Thumbnails for 2D and 3D graphic files.
- Display 3D files: 3dm, 3dmf, 3ds, asc, ase, cob, dwg (limited support), dxb, dxf, geo, iv, lif, lvs, lw, lwo, max (limited support), md2, md3, mdl, mts, ndo, obj, objf, off, peo, prj, pro, rax, scn, spx, stl, tim, wrl, x.
- Copying 3D image rendering result in clipboard.
- Rotation and scaling of 3D objects. Alterations of lighting, transparency, material type and display mode of 3D objects, as well as many other settings for 3D scenes.
- Display 2D graphical files: bmp, btn1, btn2, btn3, dib, emf, gif, ico, icl, jpe, jpeg, jpg, pcx, rle, tga, wmf, psd, tiff, png, ppm, cel, iff, rgb, fli,flc (only first frame), pic, tim.
- Saving pictures as BMP or JPEG.
- "Zoom in" and "zoom out" modes, screen floating.
- Set any picture as Desktop Wallpaper.
- Standard Copy, Paste functions for pictures.
- Slideshow mode.
- Graphical effects (flip, invert, RGB-transitions, Hue-Saturation-Lightness,Brightness-Contrast).
- Resize and Crop functions for pictures.
- View and edit text files: txt, rtf. All unrecognised types of files are opened with text editor.
- View HTML files (requires installed Internet Explorer).
- View OLE-documents (MS Word, MS Excel files and other). This option requires relevant programs to be installed at PC.
- Playing DVD-video, Video and Audio files.
- File manager allows to open, sort, delete, rename, copy, move files.
- Command input box allows to enter file names, directory, http:// address or any other internal command of Alteros3D.
- Multilanguage interface.
- Integration with www.brodyaga.com photo-site. You can see all photo-wallpapers and maps of European cities.
- Alteros 3D Skin format allows not only to change the external interface of any standard program element, but also to add new, user-defined buttons.
- ADESK file format allows to create "desktops", that can be customized by user. You can create a panel of any size in Alteros workspace, add graphical or text buttons, as well as any amount of decorative images. The program contains a wide selection of internal commands, which can be assigned to any interface button.
- Autostart option allows to set any file (including ADESK) as a startup file.

News in version 3.0
1. Added "Show Folder menu" function in filebrowser.
2. Added "Show Preview panel" function for taskbar items. Alteros displays "Preview panel" by right-click or by holding mouse cursor over taskbar item during 3 sec.
3. Added "Show Hidden files" option in filebrowser.
4. Changed "Thumbnails database" procedures. Default thumbnail size increased to 180x180 pixels.
5. Fixed bugs in "save database" and "Sort" functions for big directories.
6. Added "Autohide Flypanel" option in fullscreen mode.
7. Fixed bug in "open associated file" procedure. Now the program opens all associated files by click in Windows explorer.
8. Added "automatically change browser directory" function when open a new file in Alteros.
9. Removed "Control Panel" and "Favorite Folders" modes of filebrowser.
10. Added "Recent Folders" mode to filebrowser.
11. Added TBTN file support in Alteros skins and ADESK files. TBTN is an alpha-blended button format of "Talisman Desktop" software (http://www.lighttek.com/talisman.htm). You can make TBTN files in Talisman Desktop and use such files in Alteros3D skins and ADESK files.
12. Added "Next/Previous file" functions by mouse wheel scrolling in all modes.
13. Added support of relative filepathes. This function may be useful when you start Alteros from Flash or CD/DVD drives on clients computers.
14. Added "Drag files from Alteros into other programs" function.
15. Other changes, corrections and bug fixes.

System requirements:
- Pentium-300 or better;
- 128Mb RAM or higher;
- video card with High Color (16bit) or True Color (24bit, 32bit) mode;
- Windows9x/ME, Windows NT/2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7.
- DirectX 9 or higher for Video,Audio, DVD-video playback functions.

Оф.сайт / Homepage: http://www.lighttek.com/alteros/index.htm
Язык / Language: Afrikaans, Arabic, Czech, Chinese (simplified), Chinese (traditional), Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Malaysian, Russian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
Размер / Size: 4.62 Mb



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