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Skype v Final
19.11.2010, 17:03
Skype v Final

Skype - это простая бесплатная программа, с помощью которой вы можете бесплатно звонить во все уголки мира. Skype создан авторами KaZaa. Сеть Skype базируется на прогрессивной P2P (peer-to-peer) технологии. Качество передачи голоса очень хорошее. Создатели программы специально консультировались со специалистами по акустике о том, как сделать искажения голоса менее заметными.
Помимо превосходного качества звука, Skype предоставляет максимальную конфиденциальность - все общение между клиентами зашифровано и не может быть перехвачено. И самое главное, Skype не требует перенастройки вашего брандмауэра или маршрутизатора — он просто работает!
Кроме этого программа позволяет общаться с помощью коротких текстовых сообщений.
Начиная с версии 2.0 в программе Skype появилась возможность проводить видеконференции. Встроенная поддержка видео позволяет видеть окно с изображением собеседника либо в рабочем окне программы Skype, либо в отдельном окне, и даже в полноэкранном режиме.

Изменения в последней версии:
# Changes:
* Calling
- Removed post call experience

* Contact list
- Added an option to disable avatar pictures in contact list.

# Fixed issues:
* Accessibility
- Accessibility in Call Phones tab was not properly supported.
- Accessibility was not fully supported in Call View.
- It was not possible to accept or reject a contact request via keyboard.
- Labels in Add people widget were not visible to Jaws.

* Audio
- When the user redialed within 10 seconds the audio was sometimes silent.

* Browser plugin
- During Skype update it was impossible to change language for Skype browser plugin.
- Skype browser plugin was wrongly interpreting US vanity numbers that exeed 11 digits.
- Sometimes the browser plugin dropdown menu was shown in the wrong place on the screen.

* Call phones
- Call Phones tab showed wrong information about subscriptions when user did not have reccurring payments enabled.
- Call to invalid number message was not cleared.
- Calling rates under subscriptions were sometimes not correctly shown.
- Header area in call phones tab sometimes showed some messages in text format instead of graphical.
- Numberpad on call phones was not displayed properly on low screen resolutions.
- Sometimes the rates lookup drop down list appeared in wrong place when using Skype in compact mode.

* Call Quality Indicator
- Call Quality Indicator did not warn user if he mutes microphone in Windows settings.
- Call Quality Indicator stated unknown connection speed.
- Call restablishment message will remain on a call which appears to be fine, though available bandwidth is very low.
- The call quality indicator sometimes incorrectly reported medium quality when in fact the video call was in high definition.

* Call transfer
- Call transfer to a phone number not in contact list did not work.
- Video was not transmitted after call transfer.

* Call view
- Occasionally the call view had white boxes instead of texts.

* Calling
- In rare occasions Skype crashed after changing microphone.

* Contact List
- Creating a Skype Out contact from recently dialled numbers was malfunctioning.
- There were some text formatting errors in Recents list.

* Contact search
- Avatar picture was not displayed in Public profile view.
- Sometimes, Add contacts buttons text was only partially visible.
- User search, based on e-mail and phone number, did not display partial results if full matches were present.

* File Sending
- On rare cases file receiver saw a erroneous message ‘The file isn’t available’.

* File transfer
- Skype sometimes stopped responding when accepting File Transfer in group conversation.

* Group video call
- Message box that appears so users can activate a free trial remained even after trial is activated.
- Often when adding a third participant to a video call the host was not notified about the need to activate a free trail in order to use group video calling.
- Placing a group video call with no free trial appears to other participants as missed conversation.
- Video could sometimes freeze for some participants on Group video calls.

* Localization
- There was no support for languages read right to left in profile view.

* Login/Logout
- Skype opened in focus if Skype was set to autostart.

* Miscellaneous
- Skype sometimes crashed when switching Windows user under Windows 7.
- Skype was starting as maximized during autostart process.
- When opening main menu Skype asked user to install Flash player if user did not have it previously installed.

* Screen sharing
- Netbooks with Mobile Intel® 915GM/GMS,910GML Express Graphics Chipset and Windows 7 sometimes had problems when receiving large screen sharing resolutions beyond 1322 × 823.
- Receiving a large resolution screen share could have artefacts on screen.
- When receiving screen sharing from Skype for Mac version 2.8, sometimes the screen does not load on the 5.0 side.

* Skype Access
- The Skype Access connection display did not pop-up correctly when trying to connect to supported hotspot after starting Skype up.

* Skype Home
- In some cases, avatar pictures were missing from Skype Home feed.
- Occasionally mood message update displays may be disrupted when the network connection is momentarily lost.
- Skype Home is not scaling very well to small and big window
- Sometimes there was a connection error when trying to open account panel from client alert in Skype Home.
- Un-sent mood message updates within Skype Home will not be saved when navigating away from Skype Home.

* Video
- Clicking on the webcamera settings may cause Skype to crash.
- In rare cases users video may not start correctly when using Logitech webcam pro 9000.
- In rare cases, video may not be received by the other party even if the local preview is working correctly
- Skype crashed if user quit Skype during an active call.
- Skype may not work properly with virtual cameras
- Switching between USB camera and HP Virtual webcam locks the camera
- The call receiver may not see HQ logo on their side during HQ call
- The receiver may not see HQ logo in the local preview while the receiver sees the logo on his side.
- The Skype video snapshots feature is not working on Windows XP SP3.
- This version of Skype (5.0) has increased CPU usage which may effect video quality on some computers.
- Under some circumstances upon ending a Skype Video call the webcam can still be capturing video even though it is no-longer in use.
- Video call picture quality was sometimes lower than expected in good conditions.
- Video calls may not work with virtual machines.
- Video calls on a secondary display causes higher CPU load compared to usage on the primary display.
- Video may stop if you lock and unlock your computer while on a call
- Video might freeze in calls with H.264 devices.

* Video in mood
- DailyMotion videos which have been added to a mood message are not being displayed to other contacts.

* Voicemail
- Calls go to Voicemail for offline users even if they have disabled it from Options.
- Message that display’s “Item has been deleted from conversation history.” sometimes appeared after sending Voicemail. Voicemail itself will be sent without problems.

Операционная система: Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/7-x64-x86
Тип лицензии: Freeware
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Multilanguage
Размер: 19.85 MB


Категория: Аудио | Добавил: lilx
Просмотров: 492 | Загрузок: 139 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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