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Audacity v 1.3.12 Beta
02.04.2010, 22:15
Audacity v 1.3.12 Beta

Audacity - бесплатный аудиоредактор с поддержкой расширения возможностей при помощи плагинов. На домашней странице доступны дополнительные фильтры и эффекты.

# Bug fixes for:
* Imports and Exports:
- AAC files could not be exported at 48000 Hz
- When importing multiple native file formats using FFmpeg, all files after the first reverted to using the native importer
- FFmpeg custom export window too large on 800 x 600 resolution monitors
- Projects froze if files imported via On-Demand were no longer available
- (Linux) WAV/AIFF exports were corrupted if overwriting an aliased file which had been imported using the command line
* Labels:
- Cutting or deleting a region in the waveform and label track did not move the labels in advance of the cut
- Incorrect behavior snapping to labels and boundaries with Snap To enabled
- Labels can now be reversed if included with the audio selection using the command line
* Other bug fixes:
- When using non-English languages, Generate effects truncated the selected region
- Mice with high-precision scroll-wheels could cause a crash
- Changing recording preferences using the Transport menu did not update the menu in other open projects
- (Windows 7) Clicking in a file open or save dialog caused files or folders to disappear from the list, and file filtering was broken

# Changes and improvements:
- A hover tooltip is now provided if the Mixer Toolbar input selector cannot control the system slider for the selected input.
- More intuitive behavior when moving and resizing labels by dragging
- Support added for importing lists of files (LOF) containing relative paths
- Export Multiple: new option to use a numerical prefix before existing label or track names; "Success" dialog now resizable
- New Equalization preset "Inverse RIAA", with new button to invert other curves
- Timer Record now remembers last scheduled duration
- Meter Toolbar can now be made much narrower, and so more suitable for vertical orientation
- New Preferences choice for "System" language which is used on first run instead of asking user to choose language
- Warning now provided if WAV/AIFF exports are not successfully completed
- (Linux) Improved icon set in compliance with freedesktop.org Icon Theme Specification 0.6

Операционная система: Windows (All Versions)
Тип лицензии: Open Source
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Multilanguage
Размер: 11.32 MB


Категория: Аудио | Добавил: lilx
Просмотров: 237 | Загрузок: 134 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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