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Avast! Internet Security 5.0.584
13.07.2010, 22:04
Avast! Internet Security 5.0.584

Механизм защиты антивирусных продуктов Avast! основан на высокоэффективной технологии. Используя скоростные и эффективные обновления и продвинутую многоуровневую защиту от всех источников заражения в режиме реального времени, продукты Avast! всегда на страже безопасности вашего компьютера.
Avast! Internet Security - это пакет приложений, предназначенных для защиты вашего компьютера от возможного заражения вирусами и от других угроз со стороны вредоносных программ.

Kernel and detection: Brand new antivirus and antispyware yadro.Samaya modern technology built into the kernel audit provides reliable protection against viruses, spyware and other malicious software.
Protection against rootkits in real time: The unique technology of protection "when accessing" automatically checks all kernel-mode drivers loaded by the operating system, for signs of a rootkit. It can detect even unknown rootkits and stop them to carry out malicious actions.
New isolated environment avast! Sandbox: Allows you to run programs that attackers can use (for example, web browsers), or suspicious executable files to a secure virtual environment avast! Sandbox. This isolated environment on the market only supports both 32 - and 64-bit platforms.
Base avast! Community IQ: Most of our processing of samples received from sensors deployed in the Community Shield with the modules of behavior, and anti-rootkit. This is a unique source of data, which could create only thanks to the huge base of users. On our servers, all collected samples are processed by several automated processes, then only a small proportion require manual handling experts on the analysis of viruses.
New emulator code: In the case of a suspicious executable file (in the audit at the request or when you access) avast! can emulate the program code in an isolated environment. The emulator code is used in two cases. First he used a common unpacking. Secondly, it is used in the kernel heuristic. Technically the emulation is performed using dynamic translation, which is much faster than traditional methods of emulation.
New kernel heuristics: Since version 5.0 avast! includes a new kernel heuristic designed to preventive detection of malicious programs, which have not yet established definitions. The core of heuristics can cover binary (executable) and script malware.
Detection of potentially unwanted programs: Since version 5.0 avast! detects potentially unwanted programs, such as tools for remote administration and commercial keyloggers. For these tasks, you can configure custom rules (to implement the less disruptive actions).
Automatic firewall: The firewall allows you to manage your incoming and outgoing network traffic. Protection is provided through the use of heuristics and behavioral analysis, as well as the white list, which contains a known secure networking applications. For inbound traffic in the firewall provides three options for setting, depending on the type of connection.
Antispam: The new integrated filter spam and fraudulent messages. He works as a plug-in for MS Outlook and as a general proxy POP3/IMAP4 for other mail clients.
Checker at boot: Allows you to scan your computer for viruses before you run the operating system and the activation of the virus (only for 32-bit operating systems).
Checking tool from the command line: Allows you to run a check using the command line.
Awakening to check: OS Microsoft Windows is derived from a sleep or hibernation to perform a scheduled inspection, after which the system returns to sleep.
Scheduled check: Allows you to choose the time and files to check.
New Intelligent checker avast! Intelligent Scanner: Helps reduce the number of mandatory inspection of files up to 80% through the use of white list obviously secure applications. If the file is marked as safe, it will not be checked again until it will not change.
Shield of Conduct: Tracks from a computer through a series of sensors (based on the file system, registry, and network) and blocks suspicious behavior or notifies the user.
Study methods intruders in unprotected networks: Sensors avast! detect and track the activity of suspicious files on selected computers automatically send these files in the Virus Lab for further analysis.
Shield filesystem: Checking open / executable files in real time.
Shield-mail: Checks all incoming and outgoing messages for malicious software. For MS Outlook uses a special plug-in. Other email clients are protected by general proxy POP3/IMAP4/SMTP. In version 5 proxy server for the first time supports the verification of the flow of data through SSL (gmail.com, sympatico.ca ...)
Web Shield: Checks all the pages you view, and scans all files, pages, and scripts java, downloaded from the Internet. Because the function checks the flow of intellectual Intelligent Stream Scan this shield does not slow down browsing.
Shield of P2P: Checks files downloaded using P2P-programs: ABC, Ares, Azureus, BearShare, Bit Torrent, BitComet, BitLord, BitPump, CZDC + +, Direct Connect, eDonkey, eMule, iDC + +, iMesh, Kazaa, Kceasy, LimeWire, Morpheus, Opera's DC + + , Overnet, Qtrax, Shareaza, SoulSeek, StrongDC + +, uTorrent, Vuze, WinMX, Winny2, Zultrax.
Shield instant message: Checks the files that are downloaded when you use instant messengers, or "chat": AIM (AOL Instant Messenger), Gadu-Gadu, gaim / Pidgin, Google Talk, ICQ, IM2 Messenger, Infium, Miranda, mIRC, MSN / Windows Messenger, Odigo , PalTalk Messenger, Psi Jabber Client, QIP, QQ, SIM, Skype, Tlen, Trillian, WengoPhone, XFire, Yahoo! Messenger.
Network Shield: Protects against network viruses. This module includes two main components: Blocking URL, which blocks the malicious URL (defined in the analysis of the Virus Lab), and a lightweight intrusion detection system.
Shield scripts: Detects malicious scripts hidden in web pages, and prevents their implementation, which could result in seizure control computer or damage (only for Internet Explorer on 32-bit systems).
Updates: Intelligent update virus definitions System incremental update to minimize file size of conventional upgrades.
A new rapid application updates: The new file format version of virus definitions avast! 5.0 increases the speed of updates and reduced resource consumption of memory and CPU, thus not hindered in the performance of computer of other tasks.
The new format used for file virus definitions, can accelerate the process of renewal and reduce the load on memory and CPU, resulting in a smooth functioning of the computer.
Game Mode: New Auto / game mode automatically determines the activity of full-screen programs and disable pop-up and other on-screen notice, without compromising security.
Optimized for the latest processor Intel Core i7: Critical components of the code scan engine avast! optimized to provide unmatched performance in systems with the latest models of processor Intel.
Optimizing CPU: A new optimization of multi-test. Product avast! faster on the new multicore processors. The new avast! allows to divide the processing of individual large files between multiple cores that can accelerate the verification process.

Основные компоненты avast! Internet Security 5.0:
• Экраны в реальном времени. Экраны в реальном времени - это наиболее важные элементы программы, которые непрерывно защищают ваш компьютер от заражения вирусами. Они отслеживают все действия вашего компьютера, проверяя все программы и файлы в реальном времени - т.е. в момент запуска программы и открытия или закрытия файла.
• Антивирусное сканирование. Антивирусная программа avast! 5.0 включает ряд стандартных видов сканирования, которые устанавливаются по умолчанию.
• Антиспамовый фильтр avast! Пакет avast! Internet Security включает полностью интегрированный антиспамовый фильтр, предназначенный для обнаружения нежелательных сообщений электронной почты (спама). Если в ваш почтовый ящик постоянно приходит спам, ящик быстро переполняется, и нужные вам письма могут попросту не быть получены. Кроме того, спам увеличивает нагрузку на сервер электронной почты, соединение с Интернетом, локальные сети и т.п.
• Фаервол. Пакет avast! Internet Security включает полностью интегрированный фаервол, управлять которым можно прямо из пользовательского интерфейса avast!. Фаервол отслеживает весь обмен информацией между вашим компьютером и внешним миром и блокирует неразрешенные действия, руководствуясь правилами "Разрешить" и "Запретить". Таким образом брандмауэр предотвращает утечку уязвимых данных с вашего компьютера, а также блокирует попытки взлома вашей системы со стороны интернет-хакеров.
Сканер командной строки. Эта функция предлагается только в антивирусе avast! Pro и в пакете avast! Internet Security. Программа ashCmd использует для выявления потенциальных заражений вредоносным ПО те же модули сканирования avast!, что и стандартный интерфейс программы, так что результаты сканирования при ее использовании будут точно такими же. • • Сканер командной строки avast! - ashCmd.exe - обычно устанавливается в каталог C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\avast5.

Changes in release 5.0.584:
Most notable improvements include:
- Improved interaction with Windows System Restore; namely, avast now auto-repairs itself when it detects a corrupted VPS due to a System Restore (or other reasons)
- AswSP.sys: solved a minor stability issue
- Solved a problem related to inserting of the license files
- Added the activation codes feature
- Improvements in the avast! sandbox
- Performance improvements in the Behavior Shield
- Avast Screen saver now accessible even in 64-bit Windows Vista
- Stability improvement in aswTdi.sys (solved a compatibility problem with AVG)
- IS firewall: solved a potential BSOD condition
- Various improvements in the avast! sandbox module
- Minor fixes in the GUI
- Added Catalan and Belarusian language packs

Размер | Size: 54.5 Mb
ОС | OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
Официальный сайт | Home Page: www.avast.com
Интерфейс | Interface: Multilingual, включая русский

Avast! Internet Security 5.0.584 + License.avastlic


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