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QuuSoft Junk File Cleaner v2010 1.1
28.02.2010, 12:51
QuuSoft Junk File Cleaner v2010 1.1

QuuSoft Junk File Cleaner - эффективное и простое в использовании приложение, разработанное для того чтоб осовободить место на компьютере, путем тщательного и безопасного сканирования винчестера для поиска файлов таких как логи, временные файлы, которые не используют программы на вашем компьютере.

QuuSoft Junk File Cleaner features
• Easily and Completely Help You Find Space to Install New Applications
Help you easily get rid of any annoying and difficult-to-remove junk files. Remove backup files of various kinds. Have you forgotten to delete many useless backup files? QuuSoft Junk File Cleaner would help you clean them out from your computer.
• Removes large files of generated by crashes
Have you ever been annoyed by large files of generated by crashes . QuuSoft Junk File Cleaner could help you solve the problem and keep you stay away from large files of generated by crashes. You could find your computer running more efficiently just a few clicks later.
• Removes a whole bunch of temperary files and various log files
Are you annoyed by a whole bunch of temperary files and various log files? They could cause your system to run more and more slow. QuuSoft Junk File Cleaner finds and cleans out these files to improve your PC's performance to a great extent.

QuuSoft Junk File Cleaner benefits
• Auto Scan and Manual Cleanup
By default, QuuSoft Junk File Cleaner thoroughly scans the hard drive for all types of files. Automatic Scan is recommended for "non-technical" users. Once the scan is complete, QuuSoft Junk File Cleaner will provide you a full list of junk files with details, and allow you remove individual files or all files of a certain type. You can completely finish a scan with QuuSoft Junk File Cleaner to work for your needs. It will selectively scan the items you want or you can establish and manage an "ignore list" so that QuuSoft Junk File Cleaner will not remove certain items and scan the items in the future.
• Built-In Scheduler
With QuuSoft Junk File Cleaner's scheduling feature, you can set it to scan at any disk or files or assign it to work on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. You can even set up more than one schedule.
• Intuitive Workflow and Easy to Customize
The Intuitive and easy user interface presents the exact tools to you when you need them. The 1-click scan and 1-click clean workflow save you time and energy to scan and clean up all the junks quickly and completely. You can completely finish a scan with QuuSoft Junk File Cleaner to work for your needs. It can selectively scan the items you want or you can establish and manage an "ignore list" so that QuuSoft Junk File Cleaner will not scan for certain items.
• Free Technical Support Services
We provide totally free technical support services to help users clean up the junk files on their computer. That is, when you are using Junk File Cleaner, you are not only having the handy toolkits but also the great services by our professionals.
• Support All Windows-based Operating Systems
Windows systems compatible: runs on all the major Windows-based systems, including the latest Windows Vista, Windows server 2008, Windows XP/2003/2000, and even Windows 98 & Windows ME.

OC: Windows All
Интерфейс: English
Size / Размер: 3.59mb
Home Page: www.quusoft.com


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