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History Killer Professional 5.0.3
03.12.2010, 14:04
History Killer Professional 5.0.3

History Killer Pro комплексное програмное обеспечение для решения всех проблем связанных с удалением мусора с компьютера и защиты информации. Программа обеспечит вашу приватность как в интернете так и вне ее, безвозвратно стирая всю информацию которая может подвергнуть риску вашу конфиденциальность.

Program's capabilities:
• Search function. Using the search History Killer Pro can find detailed information ostavlennuyu particular site (eg odnoklassniki.ru) on your computer or just the files (including paying) that you want to permanently delete. Search should be used only after scanning all the items in the program.
• Analysis of the locked file index.dat. History Killer Pro analyzes locked (locked) index.dat file, which contains the main part of the history of Internet Explorer, and makes changes to a file instead of total removal or purification of the content. Thus it is possible to make only the necessary changes in the index.dat file.
• Recognition of the file system "Trash" ("Recycle Bin"). Through the program, History Killer Pro can see the detailed contents of the Trash, in contrast to the Trash Windows. Including remote directory, subdirectories, files, file types, file size and date last izmemeniya.
• Selective removal of all elements. All scanned items can be seen in isolation and therefore can be selectively removed - just exactly what you want to delete.

Официальный Сайт | Homepage: www.emergencysoft.com
Размер: 2.77 MB

History Killer Professional 5.0.3 + Serial


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