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Twelve Modern Houses 1945-1985
| 23.04.2010, 23:11 |
Автор:Graham Livesey, Название: Twelve Modern Houses 1945-1985 Издательство: Univ of Calgary Pr Год: 1995 Формат: PDF Размер: 2 mb Страниц: 62 Язык: English "Human habitat in the deepest sense is much more than mere shelter. It is the fulfillment of the search - in space - for happiness and emotional equilibrium." - Richard Neutra This publication, part of the ongoing mandate of the Canadian Architectural Archives to examine the characteristics of Canadian architecture as reflected in the collections of The University of Calgary Library, examines twelve architect-created houses designed between the 1940s and the 1980s for several distinct regions of Canada. The architects chosen number among the most prolific and best known in Canada who were working during this period: Sharp & Thompson, Berwick, Pratt Raymond T. Affleck Jerome Markson John B. Parkin Associates Raymond Moriyama Arthur Erickson Ronald J. Thom Douglas Cardinal Patkau Architects. Other architects with perhaps a more regional reputation have also been included, such as the Vancouver-based firm of McCarter & Nairne, Calgary's Jack Long, and Edmonton's Peter Hemingway. Apart from the documentation of the twelve houses (drawings and photos), there are interpretative essays on each. A co-authored introductory essay explores several related themes: modernity, the contemporary house, approaches to landscape, and the role of drawings in contemporary practice.
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Категория: Зарубежные | Добавил: Natali
Просмотров: 145 | Загрузок: 90
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