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Some Assembly Required
23.04.2010, 22:31
Some Assembly Required

Автор:University of Minnesota Press
Название: Some Assembly Required
Издательство: University of Minnesota Press
Год: 2001
Формат: PDF
Размер: 11,7 mb
Страниц: 264
Язык: English
Michael Sorkin is widely hailed as one of the best architecture critics writing today. Iconoclastic and often controversial, he is a witty, entertaining, yet ultimately serious writer. In this new collection, Sorkin reviews the state of contemporary architecture and surveys the dramatic changes in the urban environment of the past decade. From New York to New Delhi, from Shanghai to Cairo, Sorkin offers a sweeping assessment of the impact of globalization, environmental degradation, electronic media, rapid growth, and the legacies of modernist planning. Whether laying out, manifesto-like, eleven necessary tasks for urban design, providing a fresh take on the Disneyfication of Times Square, grappling with sprawl, or blasting the nostalgic prescriptions of new urbanist communities (which he dubs Reaganville), Sorkin makes a compelling argument for an architecture and urbanism firmly grounded in both artistic expression and social purpose.

Категория: Зарубежные | Добавил: Natali
Просмотров: 142 | Загрузок: 81 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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