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Soldiers of fortune: Swedish and Danish volunteers in the Estonian civil war, 1918-1920
30.05.2010, 23:32
Soldiers of fortune: Swedish and Danish volunteers in the Estonian civil war, 1918-1920

Название: Soldiers of fortune: Swedish and Danish volunteers in the Estonian civil war, 1918-1920
Автор: Kaido Jaanson
Издательство: Perioodika
ISBN: 5797900769
Год: 1988
Страниц: 144
Формат: PDF в RAR
Размер: 33.65МБ
Язык: английский
The withdrawal of German troops from Estonia which they had occupied from February to November 1918 signified the beginning of a Civil War in the country. Fought between detachments of the Red Army supporting a Soviet republic of the Estonian working people, and forces of the national bourgeoisie aided by British, Finnish, Swedish and Danish arms and troops, it continued throughout 1919 and ended in a peace signed at Tartu on 2 February 1920. The role of the foreign troops in that struggle has hitherto been but superficially studied. This book by the Tartu University historian Kaido Jaanson adds a lot of information to the role the mercenaries recruited in Sweden and Denmark played in the war, with the recruitment and anti-recruitment campaigns well in prominence.

Категория: Зарубежные | Добавил: Natali
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