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Pocket Atlas of Dental Radiology
08.05.2010, 21:58
Pocket Atlas of Dental Radiology

Название: Pocket Atlas of Dental Radiology
Автор: Friedrich Pasler, Heiko Visser
Год: 2007 г.
Страниц: 342 стр.
Формат: PDF
Язык: Английский
Издание: Thieme Medical Publishers
Размер: 30,1 Mб
ISBN: 9781588903358

xamination of the teeth and their supporting structures is today unthinkable without the use of radiological methods. This book provides numerous problem-solving tips covering the basics of obtaining X-rays of the teeth, quality control, image processing, radiological anatomy, and radiological diagnosis. Quick access to information, easy learning, and efficient acquisition of knowledge make this book a very practical tool for day-to-day work. Didactic concept: The classic Thieme Flexi format, with concise text on the left and excellent illustrations on the right hand page of more than 150 double page spreads. Emphasis is placed on: - examination techniques, radiation safety, quality control - conventional and digital imaging modalities - radiological anatomy, solving problems of localization - adjunct examinations with CT, MR imaging, and others.

Категория: Зарубежные | Добавил: Natali
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