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Materials for Architects and Builders, 3rd Edition
31.05.2010, 05:06
Materials for Architects and Builders, 3rd Edition

Автор:Arthur Lyons
Название: Materials for Architects and Builders, 3rd Edition
Издательство: Butterworth-Heinemann
Год: 2006
Формат: PDF
Размер: 19 Mb
Страниц: 528
Язык: English

aterials for Architects and Builders provides an introduction to a wide range of building materials. It explains in detail the manufacture, key physical properties, specification and uses of the standard building products, everything a student would need to know. The book also describes many recent technological innovations and rediscovered materials, reflecting an increased concern for environmental issues within the Industry.

This new edition has been completely updated to reflect the amended Building Regulations, the latest British and European Standards as well as incorporating current advice and information from the Building Research Establishment.
Dr Arthur Lyons is a teacher fellow and principal lecturer in building materials at the Leicester School of Architecture within the Faculty of Art and Design at De Montfort University, UK. He has taught the subject of building materials for thirty five years to a wide range of students within the built environment disciplines.


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