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Guide to the Architecture of Minnesota
23.04.2010, 22:28
Guide to the Architecture of Minnesota

Автор:University of Minnesota Press
Название: Guide to the Architecture of Minnesota
Год: 1978
Формат: PDF
Размер: 37,8 mb
Страниц: 320
Язык: English
This book was conceived from its inception to supplement and augment the Bicentennial exhibition, The Art and Architecture of Minnesota, organized and presented by the University Gallery in conjunction with the Minnesota Society of Architects. The exhibition was more than three years in the planning stages, and at every step our desire was to publish something other than an exhibition catalogue something at once less ephemeral and more comprehensive yet not boring that ubiquitous person, the interested layman, with heavily erudite prose. In the end we decided to publish A Guide to the Architecture of Minnesota. Long a priority of the Minnesota Society of Architects, such a guide seemed to us to be the sort of publication which would most nearly meet our needs.

Категория: Зарубежные | Добавил: Natali
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