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Development, trade and the WTO: a handbook
04.06.2010, 20:05
Development, trade and the WTO: a handbook

Название: Development, trade and the WTO: a handbook
Авторы: Hoekman, B., Mattoo, A., English, P.
Издательство: The World Bank, 1818 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20433, USA.
Редакторы: Hoekman, B., Mattoo, A., English, P
Год: 2002
Размер: 3,2 Мб
Страниц: 641
Язык Английский

nternational trade is a matter of vital importance for developing countries, since it can stimulate growth and contribute to poverty reduction. Trade is, however, an increasingly complex issue, and policymakers in developing countries will need to understand the many ramifications of multilateral trade agreements if their countries are to benefit from this engine of growth. Development, Trade, and the WTO summarizes the economics of sound trade policy, explains behind-the-border regulatory issues, and presents a range of perspectives on trade-related issues. It also contains relevant data and training material. Policymakers, trade negotiators, indeed any reader interested in international trade, will find this book

Категория: Зарубежные | Добавил: Natali
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