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Buildings for the Performing Arts, Second Edition
31.05.2010, 13:51
Buildings for the Performing Arts, Second Edition

Автор:Ian Appleton
Название: Buildings for the Performing Arts, Second Edition
Издательство: Architectural Press
Год: 2008
Формат: PDF
Размер: 15 mb

his superb design and development guide must be essential reading for all design teams involved in the initiation, planning, design and building of facilities for the various performing arts. A detailed analysis of all design and development issues and the relationships with clients and consultants are explored adopting a very discerning approach. The specific studies that follow analyse in a masterly way the critical requirements of the auditorium and platform/stage, support facilities and their relationship, and examine the effects of site conditions, their time scale and financial appraisal.

Категория: Зарубежные | Добавил: Natali
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