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Building Prosperity: Housing and Economic Development
04.06.2010, 16:56
Building Prosperity: Housing and Economic Development

Автор: Anna Kajumulo Tibaijuka, Ban Ki-moo,
Название: Building Prosperity: Housing and Economic Development
Издательство: Earthscan Publications Ltd
Год: 2009
ISBN: 1844076326
Страниц: 288 pages
Тип Файла: PDF
Размер Файла: 1,1 mb
Язык : английский

he worlds urban population is growing by 100,000 households a day, presenting an enormous challenge, above all in developing countries. It is also an opportunity, as investment in housing and the provision of shelter is potentially one of the most effective drivers of economic growth and sustainable national development. In recent debates, however, its economic significance and role as an instrument of social policy have been overlooked. This book is a much-needed account, with numerous detailed examples, of the role of housing in economic growth and development by an author in a unique position to understand its importance and the practical measures for delivering that growth.

Категория: Зарубежные | Добавил: Natali
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