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Bonnet Girls. Patterns of the Past
28.04.2010, 15:26
Bonnet Girls. Patterns of the Past

Автор: Helen R.Scott, Barbara Smith
Название: Bonnet Girls. Patterns of the Past
Издательство: American Quilter's Society
Год: 2001
Формат: jpg
Размер: 10 Mb

his book is a classic! It features 18 different Bonnet Girls, their children, menfolk, and pets to create a quilted family. You can change positions of bonnets, arms, hands and legs to depict movement and different scenes. The book includes over 30 interchangeable prope - hats, parasols, flowers, and background settings.
You can add details such as lace, ribbons, beads, cords and tassels for a sparkling
finish. This softcover book is 111 pages long and is printed in full color. It is a must have for any sunbonnet fan!


Категория: Зарубежные | Добавил: Natali
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