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Windows Internals, Fifth Edition
14.05.2010, 01:52
Windows Internals, Fifth Edition

Название: Windows Internals, Fifth Edition
Автор: Mark E. Russinovich, David A. Solomon, Alex Ionescu
Издательство: Microsoft Press
Год: 2009
Страниц: 1048
Формат: PDF
Качество: Хорошее
Язык: English
Размер: 15,58 мб

арк Руссинович пишет об устройстве современных серверных и настольных ОС - от реестра и API к аналицу ошибок и устранению проблем!
Дополнительная информация

Get the architectural perspectives and inside details you need to understand how Windows operates.
# See how the core components of the Windows operating system work behind the scenes—guided by a team of internationally renowned internals experts. Fully updated for Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista, this classic guide delivers key architectural insights on system design, debugging, performance, and support—along with hands-on experiments to experience Windows internal behavior firsthand. Delve inside Windows architecture and internals: Understand how the core system and management mechanisms work—from the object manager to services to the registry
# Explore internal system data structures using tools like the kernel debugger
# Grasp the scheduler's priority and CPU placement algorithms
# Go inside the Windows security model to see how it authorizes access to data
# Understand how Windows manages physical and virtual memory
# Tour the Windows networking stack from top to bottom—including APIs, protocol drivers, and network adapter drivers
# Troubleshoot file-system access problems and system boot problems
# Learn how to analyze crashes


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