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Visual C# 2010 Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach
15.05.2010, 17:32
Visual C# 2010 Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach

Название: Visual C# 2010 Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach
Автор: Allen Jones, Adam Freeman, Matthew MacDonald, Rakesh Rajan
Издательство: Apress
ISBN: 1430225254
Год: 2010
Количество страниц: 1016
Формат: PDF
Размер: 9.5 Мб
Язык: Английский

astering the development of .NET 4.0 applications in C# is less about knowing the Visual C# 2010 language and more about knowing how to use the functionality of the .NET Framework class library most effectively. Visual C# 2010 Recipes explores the breadth of the .NET Framework class library and provides specific solutions to common and interesting programming problems. Each recipe is presented in a succinct problem/solution format and is accompanied by a working code sample to help you understand the concept and quickly apply it.

When you are facing a Visual C# 2010 problem, this book likely contains a recipe that provides you with the solution–or at least points you in the right direction. Even if you are simply looking to broaden your knowledge of the .NET Framework class library, then Visual C# 2010 Recipes is the perfect resource to assist you.


Категория: Компьютерные | Добавил: Natali
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