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Building a Web 2.0 Portal with ASP.NET 3.5
11.05.2010, 20:45
Building a Web 2.0 Portal with ASP.NET 3.5

Название: Building a Web 2.0 Portal with ASP.NET 3.5
Автор: Omar AL Zabir
Издательство: OReilly
ISBN: 0-596-51050-0
Год: 2008
Количество страниц: 310
Формат: PDF
Размер: 5 Мб
Язык: Английский

ntroduces you to the attributes of a web portal and to the applications that you
will learn to build throughout the book. Chapter 1 also shows you how ASP.NET
AJAX and .NET 3.5 are used in the product.
Chapter 2
Architecting the Web Portal and Widgets
Gives you an architectural overview of Dropthings.com. It also explains the wid-
get architecture and how to build highly decoupled web applications using wid-
gets. It touches on some performance and security challenges of Ajax web sites.
Chapter 3
Building the Web Layer Using ASP.NET AJAX
Gives a detailed explanation on how the web application is built, starting from the
homepage and the widgets. It shows how the drag-and-drop functionality is pro-
vided using ASP.NET AJAX 1.0, how a real widget is built, and how ASP.NET 3.5
is used to build the server-side part of the web layer.
Chapter 4
Building the Data and Business Layers Using .NET 3.5
Shows how LINQ is used to build the data access later and .NET 3.0 is used to
build the business layer by extensively using Workflow Foundation.
Chapter 5
Building Client-Side Widgets
Shows how to build widgets using javascript for faster performance and better
caching. It shows how a content bridge or proxy service is built that allows wid-
gets to fetch content from external sources.
Chapter 6
Optimizing ASP.NET AJAX
Goes deep into Ajax-enabled principles for making sites faster, more cache
friendly, and scalable. It talks about browser specific challenges and many
under-the-hood techniques to get maximum performance out of the Ajax
Chapter 7
Creating Asynchronous, Transactional, Cache-Friendly Web Services
Shows you how to build a custom web service call handler for Ajax calls in order
to overcome some shortcomings in ASP.NET AJAX 1.0 and enable your web ser-
vices to become asynchronous, transactional, and more cache-friendly. It also
talks about scalability and security challenges of web applications that rely
heavily on web services.
Chapter 8
Improving Server-Side Performance and Scalability
An ASP.NET 2.0 web application has many scalability and performance surprise
as it grows from a hundred-user to a million-user web site. Learn how to solve pe
formance, reliability, and scalability challenges of a high volume web site.
Chapter 9
Improving Client-Side Performance
Ajax web sites provide a lot of functionality on the client-side browser that intro
duces many browser specific challenges and javascript performance problem
This chapter provides many tips and tricks for overcoming speed and memor
problems on the browser and making the UI load faster and be more responsive
Chapter 10
Solving Common Deployment, Hosting, and Production Challenges
Last step of a web project development is to successfully deploy the product an
run it 24x7. Learn what it takes to deploy and run a high volume productio
web site solving software, hardware, hosting, and internet infrastructure prob
lems that can bring down your web site and cause great harm to your business.

Категория: Компьютерные | Добавил: Natali
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