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FlashFXP 4.0.0 Build 1487 RC2 (Русская версия)
17.10.2010, 01:14
FlashFXP 4.0.0 Build 1487 RC2 (Русская версия)

FlashFXP - очень хороший FTP-клиент, поддерживающий любые типы соединения, умеющий работать через файрволл и поддерживающий протоколы защищенных соединений SSL/TSL. Программа может импортировать списки сайтов из многих популярных FTP-клиентов. Есть удобная функция - список отложенных заданий, которая позволит возобновить неоконченную загрузку в любое время. В программе имеется возможность автоматизировать загрузки, используя параметры командной строки. Программа позволяет производить и организовывать передачу данных не только между локальным компьютером, но и двумя удаленными FTP-серверами. Используя FlashFXP, очень удобно производить загрузку файлов, которые расположены в разных папках или даже на разных FTP -серверах. Все файлы, которые необходимо скачать, можно поместить в очередь. Программа запомнит их расположение, при старте загрузки выполнит соединение с сервером, перейдет в нужную папку и начнет закачку. Имеет простой и понятный пользовательский интерфейс с полной поддержкой русского языка.

FlashFXP Features :
- Fully tested and supports gigabit speeds (including Jumbo Frames)
- MODE Z support for on-the-fly streaming compression.
- Support for FEAT and "stat -l" fast directory listing reduces overhead and improves compatibilty.
- Download and upload speed limiting. Save some of your bandwidth for browsing the web.
- Advanced Skip list.
- Optional caching of remote directory lists.

- Includes OpenSSL Libraries 0.9.8b.
- Automatic support for One Time Password (OTP) S/KEY.
- Strong encryption (Blowfish) can be applied to the site manager to protect your information.
- Connect to sites using SSL/TLS encryption for added security, including the use of client certs.
- SSL Site-to-Site (SSCN) Transfers.
- Clear Command Channel (CCC).

- Site to Site (FXP) Transfers.
- Fully recursive file transferring (uploading, downloading, site to site).
- Caching allows for offline browsing, queueing.
- Firewall support, allowing you to define a set range of local ports, or bind to a specific IP.
- FTP Proxy, HTTP Proxy, Socks 4, 5 support. (WinGate, WinProxy, MS Proxy, etc).
- Internal ident server.
- Per Site Connectivity modes support.
- PRET support for distributed FTP servers.

- Full Multi-language support.
- Simple (FTP-Only) and Advanced (FXP) views.
- Advanced queue control.
- Transfer Graph (only ftp transfer speeds can be graphed).
- Multi-Proxy Server Manager.
- Synchronized browsing allows webmasters to keep local and remote directly listings in synch while browsing.
- Internal Schedule (Transfer or Stop a queue at a specific time).
- Enhanced drag-and-drop functionality.
- Import site listings from Cute FTP, WS_FTP, FTP Explorer, LeapFTP, and Bullet Proof. Including passwords!.
- Optional displaying of Owner/Groups/Attrib.
- Site Stats, keeps track of your uploads/downloads and overall totals.
- Minimizes to system tray.
- List hidden files.
- Folder Bookmarks to provide one click access to any folder.
- Quick backup/restore of all sites/settings.
- Internal text editor for quick edits.

Advanced Options
- Extensive command line options for scripting/scheduling.
- Remote FTP file search.
- Custom file highlighting; display file masks in user defined colors.
- Calculate the size of all files in a specified path.
- Grouped SITE custom commands.
- Priority transfer list.
- Time Zone setting for Site Manager.
- Selective Transfer feature (transfer only images or just php files).

New Features:
- SFTP Support.
- Added the ability to replace a client certificate, replacing the certificate assigns the new certificate to all the sites the previous certificate was assigned to.
- Added the ability to en-queue delete operations and raw commands. (Remote file list > Right click > EnQueue)
- Added History sub-menu to the connection dropdown menu list.
- Added an Option (Preferences > General > Options) "Include Quick Connect sites in History"
- Local folder sizes are pre-calculated prior to upload to help calculate a more accurate queue remaining time.
- Support for toolbar themes and custom button images.
- Added ability to add comments to a bug report directly from within FlashFXP.
- Added the ablity to reorder and select SFTP encryption ciphers/MACs. (global and per site)
- Updated OpenSSL to 0.9.8h.
- New extended toolbar tray tooltip that displays detailed transfer information.
- New option to blend transfer progressbar with windows theme. (Preferences > Display > Colors & Fonts > Blend with windows theme).
- New Global default and Session on transfer complete option "Retry failed transfers".
- Set Per session via main menu > Session > Retry failed transfers.
- Set global default via Preferences > Transfer > Retry failed transfers
- New option "Move failed transfers to the bottom of queue before retrying" (Set in Preferences > Transfer > Options.)
- Added support for environment variables (i.e. %appdata%, %temp%) in most local browser inputs such as the address bar.
- Added en queue raw command support to the FlashFXP command line. i.e. FlashFXP.exe -raw="site fubar" (Since the raw command is queued you can use -cX flags such as -c2 to close FlashFXP after performing the command.)

Homepage - http://www.flashfxp.com/
Размер: 3.33 MB



Категория: Скачивалки, FTP | Добавил: lilx
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