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Comodo Firewall 5.0.163652.1142
12.10.2010, 21:48
Comodo Firewall 5.0.163652.1142

Comodo Firewall - мощный, простой и понятный брандмауэр, обеспечивающий достойную защиту компьютера с помощью ряда функциональных особенностей. В его средствах есть анализатор приложений подозрительной активности и проверка всех компонентов запущенных приложений. При возникновении необходимости вмешательства пользователя выводится информационное окно, где можно получить совет о дальнейших действиях. Данная программа интегрируется с Центром безопасности Windows, имеет систему собственной безопасности, на случай, если какой-нибудь вредоносный процесс попытается закрыть Comodo Firewall. Этот файрволл предоставляет подробную информацию о текущем процессе, имеющем доступ в Сеть.

• Application Component Authentication - validates all the components of an application before allowing it internet access.
• Application Behavior Analysis - analyzes each application behavior and detects any suspicious activity before allowing internet access.
• Defense against Trojan Protocols - advanced protocol driver level protection
• Smart Alerts - Every alert includes a Security Consideration section with advice to users.
• Windows Security Center Integration - Windows XP SP2 recognizes Comodo Firewall Pro
• Self Protection against Critical Process Termination - cannot be shut down by Trojans, Spyware or viruses.
• PC Security during PC Start Up - includes the option to secure the host while the operating system is booting.
• Automatic Updater - includes an interactive automatic updater component so that users can check for updates any time.
• Error Reporting Interface - includes an XP style bug reporting interface.
• Firewall Logging - reveals all the activities with detailed descriptions of the events.
• Security Rules Interface - combines with an easy to use GUI.
• Application Activity Control - watches each application in detail by showing addresses, ports and amount of traffic.
• Graphical User Interface - enables or disables any part of the firewall with one click
• Application Recognition Database - recognizes over 10000 applications and determines their security risks.

Changes in Version 5.0:
* THANKS! COMODO would like to thank the beta testers whose feedback made this release possible!
* NEW! Extended spyware scanner and improved malware cleaning
* NEW! Cloud Based Antivirus Scanning
* NEW! Cloud Based Behavior Analysis
* NEW! Cloud Based Application White-listing
* NEW! Game Mode
* IMPROVED! Application Control
* IMPROVED! Default Deny re-engineered to improve application compatibility
* IMPROVED! Application user interface

Оф. сайт: http://www.comodo.com/home/internet-security/firewall.php
Рус. язык: Есть
Размер: 40,03 mb


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