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Topaz Adjust v4.0.3
19.06.2010, 14:19
Topaz Adjust v4.0.3

Topaz Adjust предлагает пользователю полный контроль над творческим воздействием, цвета и детализации эффектов, а также обладает способностью сохранять и повторно использовать пресеты для максимального удобства.

"Creative exposure" takes on a whole new meaning with the new Topaz Adjust image manipulation plug-in for Adobe Photoshop. Easily and effectively take full control over image exposure, color, and detail for stunning creative effects and automated exposure correction. Topaz Adjust uses advanced algorithms to achieve unique exposure effects and adjustments in seconds. It offers the user full control over creative exposure, color, and detail effects, and has the ability to save and reuse presets for maximum convenience.

Topaz Adjust uses advanced algorithms to achieve unique exposure effects and adjustments in seconds. It offers the user full control over creative exposure, color, and detail effects, and has the ability to save and reuse presets for maximum convenience.

Use the quickest and easiest way to turn a decent photo into a great one, or a great photo into a stunner
Zip through a variety of different included presets and fine-tune them to get the look you really want
Apply effects ranging anywhere from mild exposure adjustments to wild and vibrant enhancements

The Exposure section of Topaz Adjust controls all exposure-related capabilities of the software. Add a unique and pleasing effect to your photo that makes it pop out to your viewers with these controls.

Use the Adaptive Exposure and Regions slider in conjunction with each other for a visually pleasing tone-mapped effect, conveniently adjust Contrast or Brightness, and protect your Highlights and Shadows all within Exposure.

The Topaz Adjust Detail tab makes it easy to creatively enhance or remove details in your photo. Even previously unseen image details can be recovered and enhanced.

The Strength and Boost parameters specify the exact amount of detail you want to enhance, while the Threshold and Radius options specify the size. Also, apply detail Sharpening when you need it.

The Color tab specializes in manipulating image color with a special technique that yields very impressive results in your photos.

The primary Adaptive Saturation and Regions sliders work together to create brilliant color effects. The Saturation, Saturation Boost, and Hue controls can be conveniently accessed when needed.

Homepage - http://www.topazlabs.com/adjust/
Размер: 23.12 MB



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