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Headus 3D Tools DC100306 WIN32
05.07.2010, 10:40
Headus 3D Tools DC100306 WIN32

Headus 3D Tools - программное обеспечение, предназначенное для просмотра трехмерных данных, их использования и обработки. Первоначально разрабатывался для SGI IRIX, теперь также доступен для Intel Windows 2000/XP и Intel Linux.

This is the Full Headus suite of tools,which includes UVLayout Pro v2.06.03E
* CySlice : Surface and slice PLY files
* UVLayout : Create and edit UVs
* CyEdit+ : View, edit and surface head scans
* CyDir : Easy scanning of complex objects
* PlyTool : convert from and to PLY files

The headus 3D tools are several applications used primary for the manipulation of 3D scan data. The tools are organized into 3 main groups:
Usually bundled with Cyberware's range of PS head scanners, these tools are used for the edit and output of single 3D scans.
Usually bundled with Cyberware's other scanners, these tools are used for the align, merge, edit and output of multiple 3D scans.
Scanner independent, these tools are used for the resampling/surfacing of dense polymeshes.

On the following pages you will find links to the various User Guides and Videos.

The Overview guide below describes the GUI elements shared between all headus applications.

Оф.сайт / WebSite: http://www.headus.com.au/3D_tools/index.html
ОС: Windows XP and Windows Vista/7
Язык / Language: Английский (English)
Размер / Size: 7.09 Mb



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